Sweet 25
Happily in love

Fairylicious Me


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|)*(| Hsien Ming
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|)*(| Pei Shan
|)*(| Ying
|)*(| Florence
|)*(| Angel
|)*(| Susu


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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2| 3

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Dear Bloggy,

    I've suffered injustice! And it goes:

    Dear Mrs Tan,

    This is Crystal here from group 1 of tutorial group 1.

    Firstly, I would like to thank you for the going through the hassle of printing the notes for us. I feel that I've gained a lot more insights on my role as an AED since I've been doing small group teaching back in school. I believe the examples given and the activities conducted will be greatly beneficial in my course of work.

    Secondly, I would like to make some inquiries with regards to the allocation of the marks.
    1. Are the marks allocated accordingly to the part of our individual presentation?
    2. What happens in the case of the group assigning one presenter as he was not involved in the preparation of the PowerPoint slides?
    Besides that, I would like feedback on some issues about the assigned grouping. I do understand your kind intentions of grouping us randomly so as to let us interact and socialize with other course mates, instead of our usual choice of group.

    However, I feel that there might be instances whereby some people might disregard their individual accountability in a group, perhaps due to the fact that they are not working with their friends. Unfortunately, this happened to me.

    During our group discussion, we brainstormed for ideas together and I was being nominated to work on the PowerPoint presentation which I willingly accepted. In addition to the presentation slides, we've decided to add an group observation form which will assist us to assess on the group that we're being assigned to as part of our demonstration. After jotting down the points that we would like to include, I hinted to one of the member about the implementation of the form who hasn't had any task to do yet, hoping that he will volunteer for it. On the contrary, he said "Just put it in a table" and walked off.

    On Tuesday night, I have to work throughout the night until 5a.m. to get the observation form and presentation slides done, right from the first to the last slides whereby every word's my work of originality. After which, during tutorial, I forfeited my lunch break to stay back and worked on the custom animation whereby another of my group member sat beside me and did his own things like his blog and what's not. A gush of injustice past right through me and my thoughts were like why could he display such indifference whereby I have to slog for our grades.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong. To my understanding, even if I was the one working on the presentation slides, the content should still be contributed by the rest of the group instead of creating the entire PowerPoint, right from first word to the last word. On top of that, the slides were just printed without the group going through the content together and making amendments.

    Although feeling short-changed, I didn't want to pursue this matter until today my friends told me that our presentation yesterday seems like only the members who did most of the talking during the presentation contributed to the efforts put in for the PowerPoint, and that's the reason for asking the questions as stated above. I am not here to gain all the credits by myself or to get the members punished, it is to get the grade that I deserved, instead of being penalized due to the lack of appearance during the presentation.

    If I may, I would like to suggest a implementation of an evaluation form for group members to assess each other's contribution and effort. I truly hope that this unpleasant incident would not occur to anyone else in future. Alternatively, I hope that you will allow the AEDs to choose their own group in future and I believe, since they have worked together previously, they are suited to work in that manner.

    Last but not least, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the recognition that you have gave to my presentation slides and our demonstration. It is truly an encouragement and consolation it filled the gap of not being appreciated and grateful to.

    P.S. My friends and I truly enjoyed your lessons! Hope to see you around soon. ;) Thank you for your time taken to read this lengthy email too! =D

    Thanks and regards,

    ** The End**

    Haha, great job! U managed to hang on to my lengthy email.

    P.S. You're messing with the wrong girl if you think she'll keep quiet and let you get all the credits. *roars* I AM NO LOSER!

    Signing off with love,

      You're my sweet addiction...

    Friday, May 14, 2010

    Dear Bloggy,

    I got my selection date yesterday! It's on 1st of June, 3.00pm!! OMG, anticipating it totally. Means that we're one step closer.. To our home, to our absolute freedom, to the biggest hoot of our lives, to ToTo, our baby King Charles and to our dream =)

    So excited to the extend that 1 week before our selection, we're going down to see the site and do a block-hop to see the view in different directions. =D

    I'm so motivated to work hard haRD HARD!! Been telling myself it'll mean lesser personal time but more $$$!! I don't mind a single bit.. The amount of $$ that we've to cough out upon getting the keys will prolly scare the shit outta me man. x_X

    I've received my birthday present!! Haha, indeed it's a lil' too early. But I've been a good girl, you see... There goes my reward for being good! =P

    Signing off with love,
    Crystal... ...

      You're my sweet addiction...